martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013


Mahoma nació en La Meca, c.  el 26 de abril  de 562/570/571/572  y murió en Medina el 8 de junio de 632 es el profeta fundador del islam. Su nombre completo en lengua árabe es Abu l-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh al-Hāšimī al-Qurayšī .
Desde 595 hasta 619, Mahoma sólo tuvo una esposa, Jadiya, una rica mujer de La Meca que tenía 27 años cuando se casó. Después de su muerte contrajo matrimonio con Sawdah, y al poco tiempo con Aisha, hija de Abu Bakr quien posteriormente sucedió a Mahoma. Aisha tenía 6 años de edad cuando fue prometida al profeta, que tenía 54, y contrajerón matrimonio cuando ella tuvo 9

Carlos Martel

Carlos Martel, nació en  Bélgica el 23 de agosto de 686 y murió el 22 de octubre de 741. Fue Mayordomo de palacio del reino de Austrasia desde el año 715 hasta su muerte. Trasla muerte de su padre en 714, Carlos, que ya tenía 29 años, pasó a ocupar la plaza de mayordomo de palacio. Pero como era bastardo, Plectrude, esposa de Pipino, instigó para echarle del poder a fin de que lo ocupara su hijo Thiaud. Las provincias del reino no aceptaban que una mujer las gobernara, y los problemas  empezaron a estallar, primero en Neustria en 715, cuando Rainfroi  el mayordomo del palacio de Neustria venció a Thiaud en el bosque de Cuise y condujo a sus tropas hasta las orillas del Mosa. En 732 Martel tiene que hacer frente a los ejércitos musulmanes del gobernador de Al-Ándalus, Abderramán. La Península ibérica estaba ocupada por los árabes y sus aliados los bereberes desde el 711, que continuaron su avance hacia el norte cruzando los Pirineos. En 725 habían conquistado ya el Languedoc y gran parte de la Borgoña actual.

Charles Martel

Charles Martel , was born in Belgium on 23 August 686 and died on 22 October 741. He was Mayor of the palace of the kingdom of Austrasia from 715 to his death . Translational death of his father in 714, Charles, who was 29 and went on to occupy the position of mayor of the palace . But being a bastard , Plectrude , wife of Pepin , instigated toppings power to take his son who Thiaud . The provinces of the kingdom did not accept that a woman the ruled , and the problems began to burst , first in Neustria in 715, when Rainfroi the mayor of the palace of Neustria beat Thiaud Cuise in the forest and led his troops to the banks of Mosa . In 732 Martel has to face the Muslim armies of the governor of Al- Andalus, Abd ar-Rahman . The Iberian Peninsula was occupied by the Arabs and their allies from 711 Berbers , who continued their advance north across the Pyrenees. In 725 they had conquered much of Languedoc and Burgundy today .

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013


Muhammad was born in Mecca, c. April 26 562/570/571/572 and died in Medina on June 8, 632 is the founding prophet of Islam. His full name in Arabic is Muhammad Abu al-Qasim ibn ʿ Abd Allāh al-Hashimi al-Qurayšī.
From 595-619, Muhammad had only one wife, Khadijah, a rich woman of Mecca who was 27 when he married. After his death Sawdah married, and soon after with Aisha, daughter of Abu Bakr who later succeeded Muhammad. Aisha was 6 years old when she was betrothed to the Prophet, who was 54, and married when she was 9.

Capilla Platina

Charlemagne built the chapel Platina and construction began around the year 790 and was completed in 805 contains an octagonal church for private use. In this church was kept as a relic piece of St. Martin layer. It is located in Germany Aachen chapel chose Platina principal host the Carolingian imperial residence because it occupied a central area in the Carolingian Empire, was near land Carolingian family heritage and also had hot springs.

La mezquita de Kairuan

Its author is Uqba ibn Nafi, has an area of ​​9,000 square kilometers and reaches 415 meters high, is made of marmol.Esta located in the territory of Tunisia. The Mosque of Kairouan was built in honor of the founder of the city. The building was built in 670 AD, but was destroyed completely. Much of the current building to survive from the ninth century, although it has been amended many times

domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013

Iglesia de San Sergio y San Baco

The temple was commanded to lift by Justinian I, is made of brick and mortar, brick has a dome 16 meters in diameter and 22.5 meters high, between the palace of Hormisdas (Justinian's house before his ascension to throne) and the church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Estanbul. Justinian's nephew was accused of treason against the throne and sentenced to death. But the saints appeared in a dream to Justinian and Justinian claimed innocence and was was released. In gratitude to the saints, Justinian, promised to dedicate a church to the martyrs was once proclaimed emperor.

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

El Arco De Bará

The authors arc Bara was the Romans. It is built of limestone. Bow measurements are 12 m. long by 2, 40 m. wide. It is situated on Via Augusta at the archaeological site of Tarraco which is located about 20 km from Tarragona.
Construction of the monument comes from the will of Lucius Licinius Sura was done in the reign of augisto.La preserved inscription says: Ex testament L (ucio) Licini (o) L (ucio) f (ilii) Serg (ia tribe) surae consecrated. What inscrivio to mark territorial boundaries disputes between tribes and cosetanos ilergetes.

sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013

El Laooconte y sus hijos.

The authors of the sculpture are Agesandro, Polidoro, Antentodoro. The book looks at Laocoon and his sons being devoured by snakes. The sculpture measures are 2.40 m wide and 2.45 m high. It is located in Museo Pio-Clementino at the Vatican. In Greek myths recounted that during the Trojan attack, two snakes were sent by Apollo, attacked Laocoon, the Trojan priest of Apollo, and his two sons for betraying trojan and sculpture represents the time when snakes eat to laooconte and their children.

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013


Justiniano I el Grande nacio en Tauresium el  11 de mayo de 483 y  murio en Constantinopla el 14 de noviembre de 565.Fue el emperador del imperio romano de oriente desde el 1 de agosto de 527 hasta su muerte. Durante su reinado, Justiniano intento revivir la antigua grandeza del imperio romano clásico, reconquistando los territorios perdidos del imperio romano de occidente.
Teodora era emperatriz bizantina y  esposa de Justiniano I. Disfruto de su gran popularidad y poder.Es santa en la Iglesia Ortodoxa, y su día se celebra el 14 de noviembre.